i love all animals, cute ones and ugly ones (except for opossum), wild ones and domesticated ones, furry ones and scaly ones. if i had to pick my favorite though, it'd be a whale which represents a gentle, mysterious giant. i draw them all the time, but a few days ago was the first time i got to see them in real life!!! it's humpback whale breeding season in baja, mexico. fortunately for me, we saw about 15-20 and lots of dolphins too. unfortunately for you, i could win an award for world's worst whale photographer.

i'm very good at capturing the moment before they come up for air... still sapphire waters and unusual clouds.

my very first whale tale photo. look for the tiny black speck just left of center. squint harder. see it???!!!! it's real.

still trying...

the wide angle lens on my camera is good. so is the zoom. too good.

the money shot. best one from the bunch. tell national geographic that i'm available for assignments.

whale food. i think this is baby squid? looks like an ice cube.
on a related note, if you live in england, you might have been lucky enough to get a free Tree of Life poster thanks to the BBC.
Here is the online interactive version. you'll need flash to see.
http://www.open2.net/treeoflife/index.htmli love it!!!!