i wish i was contributing in a more creative way because i feel like it's part of my responsibility to but for now i'd like to pass these along... they made me smile and they're examples of creative women choosing to directly interact with the world that we live in and to take a stand by using their brains and voice. i really, really, really hope that obama will be president. please vote.
The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.
click here for Miranda July and Carrie Brownstein's Obama website
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
new t-shirt and print available now!

women's shirts available through Upper Playground here
men's shirts available through Upper Playground here
print available through Tiny Showcase here
i designed these an ancient time ago and it's nice to see the final product. it's like putting dough in the oven and then forgetting about it till the timer goes off and i smell fresh baked bread. if you order these and get them sent to your house, it's like you get to eat a piece of the bread... that i made.... in upper playground's oven and tiny showcase's oven.....
(that makes complete sense to me right now.... notice how i only blog in the wee hours of the night?)
mural with maxwell on market street
that was a lot of M words. . .
now that i have a blog, i can share this mural that i did with Maxwell Loren-Holyoke when I was in San Francisco about a month ago.

my memory's not so fresh anymore but i remember snacking on beer and beef jerky while we waited for the paint to dry. . . talking to a homeless guy who knew the secret to amazing spaghetti sauce and another homeless guy named patches who had over 400 patches sewn onto his jacket and pants. . . maxwell was able to take like, 3 pee breaks and i had to hold mine in for hours 'cause he's a guy and i'm a girl. we painted till it was dark and my fingers were cold. good times. . .
now that i have a blog, i can share this mural that i did with Maxwell Loren-Holyoke when I was in San Francisco about a month ago.

my memory's not so fresh anymore but i remember snacking on beer and beef jerky while we waited for the paint to dry. . . talking to a homeless guy who knew the secret to amazing spaghetti sauce and another homeless guy named patches who had over 400 patches sewn onto his jacket and pants. . . maxwell was able to take like, 3 pee breaks and i had to hold mine in for hours 'cause he's a guy and i'm a girl. we painted till it was dark and my fingers were cold. good times. . .
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
animals in the house
so, i wrote earlier how olive, the family pug, left to go stay with my sister.
update: she had to come back because saejean found out that she lives with some bloods (gangsters). they're buddies with the manager which means that they're not leaving and olive, who likes to sport a blue bandana with cherries, had to be booted out.
my other sister, age 16, has been secretly hoarding a hamster in her room. meet hamlet graham. i helped her get him since my mom disapproved. the first hamster she considered adopting had BIG BALLS.

this one has a pair that isn't as noticeable. we're hoping that they don't grow huge later. seriously, the first one's balls were about the size of it's head and they dragged all up and down my sister's arm while she held him. the pet shop lady recommended him as her favorite though because he was the friendliest. correlation? we will never know. hamsters don't know english. otherwise this one, small balls, would understand our shouts after it poops all over us.
update: she had to come back because saejean found out that she lives with some bloods (gangsters). they're buddies with the manager which means that they're not leaving and olive, who likes to sport a blue bandana with cherries, had to be booted out.
my other sister, age 16, has been secretly hoarding a hamster in her room. meet hamlet graham. i helped her get him since my mom disapproved. the first hamster she considered adopting had BIG BALLS.

this one has a pair that isn't as noticeable. we're hoping that they don't grow huge later. seriously, the first one's balls were about the size of it's head and they dragged all up and down my sister's arm while she held him. the pet shop lady recommended him as her favorite though because he was the friendliest. correlation? we will never know. hamsters don't know english. otherwise this one, small balls, would understand our shouts after it poops all over us.
presenting the lana show!
lana's my bud for life. highlights include the crazy frog bros. video and a big surprise in the middle of the No Age episode, lana saying "bourg!" in the middle of ratatat episode and opening animation for all of the episodes. . .
check it out!
lana's my bud for life. highlights include the crazy frog bros. video and a big surprise in the middle of the No Age episode, lana saying "bourg!" in the middle of ratatat episode and opening animation for all of the episodes. . .
check it out!
sisters are clever
i got this email today:
Hi Saelee,
Heehee, so you know ive been minimalizing and compartmentalizing
everything... i didnt know what to do with this thing I've had for
years, so i made your house into a mini music box! It plays "And I
Love Her" by the Beatles.

those houses were part of a make-your-own 3d neighborhood silkscreen print that jill bliss and i made last year. we didn't think about how to make them sing. saewon just moved up north to the bay area into a tiny bedroom and i'm surprised that those things made it through the purge cut. i guess i'm flattered. her bedroom is pretty much about the size of those paper houses. she's living in a home for miniature elves.
Hi Saelee,
Heehee, so you know ive been minimalizing and compartmentalizing
everything... i didnt know what to do with this thing I've had for
years, so i made your house into a mini music box! It plays "And I
Love Her" by the Beatles.
those houses were part of a make-your-own 3d neighborhood silkscreen print that jill bliss and i made last year. we didn't think about how to make them sing. saewon just moved up north to the bay area into a tiny bedroom and i'm surprised that those things made it through the purge cut. i guess i'm flattered. her bedroom is pretty much about the size of those paper houses. she's living in a home for miniature elves.
palm springs polaroids

the desert was 109 degrees during the day and was over 100 even in the pitch dark night time. i lost a bet on that one. but, it's ok because i won another bet that a mature palm tree costs less than $20,000. easy win.
top three polaroids were mess ups but i like it that way. three pics were spit out in one shoot. last photo is actually venice, CA.
i love the desert. . . .
Thursday, September 04, 2008
blogging sure is fun

i can't stop. . .
here's olive, the family pug.
she's cute but i don't miss her. she's been staying with my sister in pasadena.
highlights of today:
- boxing boot camp class. i'm training to kill.
- french lesson with my french tutor currently living in south korea. we talk via skype. i love modern technology. now if only someone can invent a language chip that i can just insert into my brain instantly. . . it'd be so much faster.
- my littlest sis and i painted our nails together and hatched up secret plans.
- got this in my email inbox! ! ! wow. i'm a professional now! ha. it looks fake to me and reminds me of other illusions (see pic below). seriously and sincerely though, giant robot has been supporting me pretty much since day 1, and i owe them a lot. they're like family. i'm like the retarded little sister and as my big bros, GR has been nurturing and supportive and i feel both totally comfortable yet still always feel like im learning and am reminded to remember to always keep it fun.

(a few of the Ohs on a farm several years ago)
new 2009 calendars arrived yesterday!!

Gathered Together made by jill bliss and i. our 4th collaborative calendar.
i forgot to smell the box of them. . . i like sticking my nose in freshly printed books.
here's a pic of the photo shoot for the month of december. jill and i usually make all the art elements by hand and then design and collaborate digitally but, this time we experimented with a new 3-d diorama approach. we like to keep it fresh.

thank you cel jarvis for your photo skills!
(fun fact: cel's full name is celee pronounced exactly the same way as mine!!! i've always felt left out when i go to disneyland and can't bring home a keychain or mug with my name on it. . . I always look for it though in between the Sadies and Sallys. so, i felt sort of like a complete person when i met cel.)
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
pasadena, CA and egypt
some scenes on the way to my weekly ceramics class that i'm taking with my dad and my little sis. my "thing" (it WAS meant to be a vase... but it sort of spread out and turned into a bowl...i think??) is in it's ugly duckling phase right now so i'll spare your eyes. i love getting my hands messy with clay though. i love the smell. i love making something out of nothing.

speaking of camels... here's a real one.... pics from egypt, summer 2008

speaking of camels... here's a real one.... pics from egypt, summer 2008

first post. hello!!!
the sun's about to come up. my eyes are dry and my contacts feel crunchy.
who invented sleep??
who invented sleep??
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